Decoding as Service:

M2M Web Service for automated decoding

What is it about ?

A new Web Service is availabe now for automated decoding of the 3GPP air interface messages. It supports the CSN.1 and ASN.1 messages from 2G/GSM, 3G/UMTS, 4G/LTE defined by 3GPP standard (see full list of supported messages).

This service is suitable for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) decoding of single messages and of large sets of messages.

How does it work ?

  • You send HTTP request to the server. Request contains encoded message as HEX string (PDU)
  • You get back decoded message in JSON format

M2M automated decoding service


Access to the decoder web service can be done using:

  • JSON
  • XML

Stand-alone Decoder

Stand alone Decoder of 3G/LTE Message Decoder/Encoder is available as binary executable.

It takes as input the PDU of encoded message (HEX-string) and returns content of the decoded message in JSON or XML format. It can be used to parse log files which contain 3G/LTE messages and generate decoded log files.

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