Frequently Asked Questions

Can I try the Decoder / Encoder before I buy ?

You can try the free web-based version at the following link: . By choosing appropriate values in menu “Protocol Type” you will invoke decoders for different protocols (UTRAN RRC, E-UTRAN RRC, NAS, GERAN RRC, GERAN RLC/MAC, GAN/VoLGA).

Do you have a stand alone version of Decoder / Encoder ?

Currently we are also working on stand alone version of 3G/LTE Message Decoder/Encoder, which will work without web server, and in particular can be used to parse log files which contain 3G/LTE messages and generate decoded log files.

Our partner company supplies the following stand alone products:

  • 3GPP ASN.1 Codec - C++ encode & decode library
  • 3GPP CSN.1 Codec - C++ encode & decode library
  • 3GPP PDU2Text Decoder - decodes the binary PDU and converts into XML text
For more information see Products of Our Partners or email us